Medications Seniors Should Avoid or Use with Caution


Health conditions become more common as you get older, and this is true for most people. It takes a lot of medications to treat such health issues, each with its own set of directions and potential side effects.

For this reason, the American Geriatrics Society or AGS Beers Criteria (informally known as the Beers list) was designed.

The Beers list divides medicine into five types:

  • Medications “possibly inappropriate” for seniors
  • Drugs that may be harmful to older persons with specific common health issues
  • Medications to be taken with caution in seniors
  • Medications that can cause hazardous “drug-drug” interactions
  • Drugs to avoid or alter doses in kidney failure patients

Ultimately, remember that doctors may occasionally prescribe a medicine from the Beers list. That’s because the list can’t cover all situations or health concerns. In certain circumstances, the best drug for their situation may be on the list.

As an independent pharmacy in Ohio, we recommend that when doctors prescribe a drug found on the Beers list, you trust their reasoning because they are the medical experts. Your goal as your loved one’s support should be to learn more about a drug’s purpose, potential adverse effects, and interactions so you can avoid problems.

At LowCost Pharmacy, a pharmacy in Cleveland, Ohio, we strive to educate our clients about their medications and provide them with the resources they need to take control of their health.

If you need help with safe prescription medications, you may visit our pharmacy.

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