Frequently Asked Questions for Pharmacists

Pharmacists are well-equipped to help people manage and maintain their health. It makes them a critical component of your healthcare team along with your primary providers. They can also provide patient-centered responses to a variety of queries. However, you must also take the necessary steps to advocate for your health – which you can do … Continue reading

A Better Understanding of How Pharmacists Can Help

Pharmacists can do so much more than most people may know. Their duties extend beyond simply providing medications; they also include promoting better and healthier lifestyles. This means that you can work closely with the pharmacists in your area to optimize your health and well-being. Want to gain a better understanding of how pharmacists can … Continue reading

Things You Can Do to Avoid Medication Side Effects

Adverse reactions, also known as side effects, are unwanted side effects that may or may not be caused by your prescriptions. They can range from minor problems like a runny nose to life-threatening problems like a heart attack or organ damage. While you may not be able to completely avoid the side effects of your … Continue reading

Helpful Tips on How to Properly Store Your Medications

Medications should be properly stored to avoid poisoning and other accidents to ensure they are effective and work as they should. Do not let your kids play with your medications, and make sure they understand how risky it may be. You can put these medications out of their reach or, better yet, out of sight … Continue reading

Benefits of Medication Therapy Reviews for You

Medication Therapy Management (MTM), also called medication reviews, is the process of reviewing patients’ medical records to see if their current medications are effective, appropriate, and safe for them. The goal is to ensure that patients receive only high-quality care from their healthcare providers. It is a meeting between you and your doctor or pharmacist … Continue reading

Why You Should Not Skip a Dose from Your Medication

When you take prescription medications, you aim to get the optimal dose. This can be difficult if your doctor has prescribed several doses of a pill per day and one amount is inconvenient or challenging to take. Despite these challenges, it’s important not to skip any doses of your medication. As a licensed pharmacy in … Continue reading