We’ve Got Your Cost Needs Covered


Finding the correct medicine to meet your medical needs is critical when it comes to your health. But sometimes, or in most cases, prescription medications can be too expensive and hard to afford. The ongoing cost of prescriptions can be challenging to manage, mainly if you use many medications. More so for those who are struggling financially.

In that case, you may consider switching to generics or other lower-cost drugs. There may be generic or less-expensive brand-name drugs that would work just as well as the ones you’re taking now. Instead of taking dangerous steps to save money, such as splitting pills or skipping doses, switching to generics can allow you to access medicines as prescribed by your health care provider.

We at LowCost Pharmacy firmly believe that everyone should access high-quality healthcare. We believe that having a healthy life should never be expensive. That is why among the services that we provide is our generic plan, which we design to ensure that you may acquire your medication at a lower cost without sacrificing the quality of the medicines you buy.

As an independent pharmacy in Ohio, we extend our help by accepting various insurances, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and other major third-party insurances. We strive to make our products and services more accessible. Hence, you don’t have to worry about your medication costs since you can already buy them in quantity.

Moreover, we guarantee that our medications at our Pharmacy in Cleveland, Ohio, have the same effect as the branded products— so you can rest your mind knowing that your health is in good hands. Call us at 216-476-1400 and ask us about our generic plan today.

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